How to succeed in the digital economy with SAP API Management, cloud edition
Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Time: 11:00 am ET/ 8:00 am PT
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenter: Himanshu Pande
Click here to register (select part 7)
Application programming interfaces (APIs) play a critical role in the digital economy, allowing companies to provide services and information directly to customers using cloud, mobile, and social technologies, and enabling the integration of wearables and Internet of Things devices across industries. With the digital economy approaching $14 trillion by 2020, and with some companies already processing billions of API calls per month or day— the writing is on the wall. Companies like Uber and Airbnb have disrupted the taxi and hotel industries by automating the process of connecting customers directly via APIs to drivers or rooms eliminating the need for call centers and expensive fleets of taxis or hotels. Connecting customers to goods and services directly with APIs on smart devices has the potential to be transformative across all industries. SAP customers must be able to manage APIs in a simple, secure, and scalable way.
This webinar explains how SAP API Management uses SAP HANA Cloud Platform to enable you to publish and manage your APIs. It demonstrates how SAP API Management helps connect different API sources — from SAP or non-SAP systems, either on premise or in the cloud — and how you can leverage your existing IT investments to power you forward in the growing digital economy. Topics include:
• The business case for SAP API Management in the digital economy
• How your organization can benefit from SAP API Management, including use cases
• The features of SAP API Management, including a live demo, and the road ahead
Himanshu Pande, is responsible for GTM activities and Market Success of SAP API Management and SAP Gateway, by working closely with customers, partners and SAP field. Himanshu has been with SAP for 15 years with earlier assignments in SAP NetWeaver Product Definition & consulting.